Thursday, September 18, 2003


I first saw your show several years ago, down on Mallory Pier. I remember thinking how much those cats must love and respect you to do those things.

Thank you for putting up a web site so I know where to look for you on my next trip down. I knew you had moved the show, but for some reason I couldn't find where you were performing the last time I came down to Key West. Perhaps you were taking a day or two off, as it was the start of hurricane season. I hope to catch the show the next time I'm down there.

I'm up to 4 cats myself now. They've got me very well trained to stay on MY part of the bed. They've worked out their own "mom's undivided attention schedule", and each knows when it's his or her turn to be cuddled.

I tell folks most people can't "train" cats because most folks aren't as BRIGHT as cats. You help me prove that point. Thank you.

Monday, September 15, 2003


"estonishing performance, a theatrical wonder, absoulutley heavenly" raves myself....Lindsey

Monday, September 15, 2003


Just amazingly funny ... unbelievable ... beautiful cats! pennilane

Sunday, September 14, 2003


My husband and I have seen your performance in Key West several times; being cat owners, we found it quite impressive and entertaining!

Saturday, September 13, 2003


Hi, my name is Carrie , I spoke with you regarding the Pier House Resort and their Historic Collectors Menu's. Any way I am a cat lover and when I come to visit Key West I will for sure come to see your and your show.

Saturday, September 06, 2003


We were just in Key West Labor Day weekend and we got a chance to watch your show. It was so funny!! Those cats did some pretty cool tricks!! Hope to see the show next time we come to Key West! Greg&Jenn

Tuesday, September 02, 2003


Yours and your wonderful kitties' is the best show ever! I was fortunate to see your show again last week while the cruise I was on stopped at Key West. Fabulous! Being owned by two brilliant cats myself, I can see how much yours love you. I was sad to hear of Piggy's passing. I have a Piggy at home (a.k.a. Mickey Blue Eye--his other eye is green), and he is my special little furry buddy. I have to add "furry" when I say that or my daughter gets jeolous. May you and all your little ones, especially Vanessa, live happy nine lives!

For all doubters, hear this: You can't herd cats. They will only do what they want, when they want. The only reason Dominique's amazing flying house cats perform as they do is because they love him. Notice how Oscar nuzzles Dominique every chance he gets. That's a kitty's way of marking what belongs to him. A dog lover may not be able to understand such a subtle display affection. To us, though, it's purrfectly obvious.

Saturday, August 30, 2003


Dear Dominique,

My wife and I saw you for the first time around 17 years ago; and we returned to Key West last week with our two teenage boys to see you and your cats once again. After your last act, we came up to you and talked a bit, and you were both interesting and charming. It was wonderful to see you and your pals and it was great to actually meet you.

Wishing you all the best. And we got a good laugh out of the web site.

p.s., we couldn't wait to come home to tell our cat, Clementine, all about our adventure. She was so mad that we left for Key West without her, she wouldn't speak to us and drowned her sorrows in a bottle of tequilla. Except instead of a worm in the tequilla bottle, there was a mouse.

We showed her your web site, and she has finally forgiven us.

Dan & Claudia Venet

Tuesday, August 26, 2003


We saw you last week.....What a show

I always thought cats trained people we have two. Ray & Betty Whitney,TX 8/27/03

Monday, August 25, 2003



We were just there Thursday, August 21, 2003. We made it a point to drive to Key West this year, even though we actually stayed in Ft Lauderdale. Key West is like a second home to us now, and our son, who is deaf, adores you and your flying cats! Any visit to the island, would not be complete without seeing your circus!


John Deacon

Thursday, August 21, 2003


wonderful!!!!!! il faut absolument que votre show se fasse en france , je suis sure que ca plairait beaucoup aux enfants! pensez-y! myriam

Thursday, August 21, 2003



Thursday, August 21, 2003


I have seen your show so many times. I just turned 40 and wanted nothing else for this milestone BDay than to sit in the front row of your show! My wish came true, and the show was awesome. We came to the show every night we were in town. Aug. 8-12,2003 Your cats are so great! and so are you. I bought the video it is great so now I can watch anytime. Thanks for all you do! Dawn Freeman Destin, FL

Wednesday, August 20, 2003


Hurry up and take your time!! Great show

Tuesday, August 19, 2003


Hi Dominique -

Just wanted to let you know how much my husband and I enjoyed your shows this past weekend. We have visited Key West 3 times within the last 8 years and have made it a point to see the flying house cats each time - and it has always been extremely entertaining! We love the shows! It's very obvious that those cats adore you - thanks for all you do to make visiting Key West a great experience! Michelle

Tuesday, August 19, 2003


Dear Dominique, I have just returned to my home in London after my first visit to key West and of course, my first sight of you!! I spoke with you about doing some portraits of your beautiful cats and I am Christine; I know you must meet hundreds of people in one day but I hope you remember meeting me. I am delighted to find so much about you on the web and can show all my cat loving friends your site. You were telling me all about your daughter going to the Art Institute in Chicago.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003



My new husband and I saw you perform in Key West last weekend, on our honeymoon. You and the cats were spectacular! I especially liked George, because we have a cat that looks just like him. We also have a cat named Ghost who perches on my husband's shoulder. She has been doing this since she was a kitten. Here is a picture.

They will walk around the house this way and Ghost will stare at herself in the mirror. We think it would be cool if you taught one of your cats to stand on your shoulder and ended the show that way. Dawn

Monday, August 18, 2003


Are you in show business?

Tuesday, August 12, 2003


Dominique, your cat show is amazing! Myself and my wife absolutely enjoyed it to the fullest. Keep up the effort, you are doing something really special in this world. It's also clear that your cats adore you (and you adore them)!


Les & Sarah

Friday, August 08, 2003


We loved your show! It was the highlight of our time in KW--especially for our daughter Cassie, who got to be in the show. We'll do our best to acquaint these yankee Massachusetts folk with the pleasure of being IN PERFECT HARMONY WIIIIITH MYSELF! The Rakers

Wednesday, August 06, 2003


You are always a must see whenever we are on Key West. I love your show. I tell all of my friends about you. My cat loving friends, and even my dog loving friends love the video(mine as you perform and yours that I purchased just a couple of weeks ago.) You are a wonderful delight and a great performer. My family will be back to Key West again next year and you are on our annual must see list. Thank you for a wonderful show. My wife thinks you are crazy. Me? I think you're crazy like a fox.

I have to add after reading some the letters from some ignorent people about how you must torture your cats. Those people probably don't have pets. Anyone who has had pets, all of my life, can see how much you love and treasure your cats. Marc, Ann, Suzanne Forman

Sunday, August 03, 2003


I saw your show in 1991 and again when we re-visited earlier in 2003. Perhaps you'll remember me. I said: "If you can train a cat to jump through fire, I can train one to shake hands (paws)."

I got a smart one with "big eyes" and he learned to "give me his paw", "other paw", "sit up", "lie down", "roll over" and "drop dead" on command. He "wows" our guests...and (I am sure, like your cats) is NEVER abused. He RUNS this place!

You are an inspiration and hilarious all at the same time. I was happy to leave "catfood money"!

Get well soon.

Best wishes, J.R. Russ Philadelphia

Saturday, August 02, 2003


catman, you are great. you make me laugh

Friday, August 01, 2003


Dominique, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your show. My fiance and I were just in Key West for 3 days and we came to see you, Oscar, Mandarin, Jackie, et al all 3 days, all showtimes. It was WONDERFUL! Merci! We learned some really great lines from you ("Hurry up! Take your time!") that we plan on using regularly! Just wanted to let you know how great you and the cats are! Bon jour! Michelle and Mike Now go back to your seat!

Thursday, July 31, 2003


amen to that sista(reffering to the last 2 comments)

Thursday, July 31, 2003


catman...dont listen to that person you and your cats are great. and i can see the true bond between you guys

Thursday, July 31, 2003


CATMAN DOES NOT ABUSE HIS CATS! he has more love for them then you have in your hole heart. i love the catman and you are stupid for saying he would ever do such a thing. you should be ashamed at yourself. -musimaa

Wednesday, July 30, 2003


I think that you are cruel to your cats. Anonymous

Tuesday, July 29, 2003


Just returned from a vacation in Key West and saw your show 3 times!! Fantastic! It's the best act in Mallory Square. Keep up the good work.

Monday, July 28, 2003


Cat Man,

We so enjoy your performances at Mallory Square. It's one of the highlights of our trips to Key West.

Cat Lovers

Friday, July 25, 2003


My family and I visit Key West each June. We are always happy to see you perform. Your shows are great! It still amazes us that your cats do the things you want them to do. We have 2 cats that just look and laugh at us when we try to get them to do something they don't want to. We can't wait to see you again. You keep us coming back to Paradise.

Thursday, July 24, 2003


You were the most memorable part of our trip to key west. Loved your show, we'll be back.

Ken from San Diego

Wednesday, July 23, 2003


We enjoyed seeing Dominique and his cats this past week in Key West! A downpour interrupted the show, but we stuck around for a postcard. We first saw you at Walt Disney World's Pleasure Island in 1991, then in Key West's Mallory Square in 1996. We missed you in 1997, and were glad to find you at the Hilton. What a show!

Tuesday, July 22, 2003


We loved your show. You are one of our biggest memories of keywest. You made the sunset party interesting. Keep up the good work just don't let the kids think you are whipping the cats!

Saturday, July 19, 2003


Hi me and my family love your shaow we see it each year. person who loves your show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2003
Thursday, July 17, 2003


July 17,2003 Dear Dominique,

The week of July 7th my boyfriend Al was in the Keys with family and he took them to see your show but you were not there.He was told that you had been in an accident, so I am writing to wish you a speedy recovery. Hurry up (and get well)take your time. Hugs to you and the kitties and I hope to see you in August and you will be purrfectly fine!


Thursday, July 17, 2003


great show dominique! loved it and will surley come again!

Tuesday, July 15, 2003


July 14, 2003

Hello Dominique and "the fur babies".....

My husband Dale & I recently made our annual trip to the Key's last week and were so sorry to hear about your scooter accident. (One of the sunset bartenders at the Hilton told me) Hope you are much better now and the kitties okay!

We have seen you about every visit to Key West over the past six or seven years. Although we missed you and the gang entertaining us ( are our FAVORITE part of coming to the Keys), the main thing is that you are all okay and we look forward to seeing you (and the newest show) next year. We can't wait to see what Oskar has learned to do next!

And just remember "Dogs have Masters but Cats have Staff!"

Our warmest regards to you and your fur babies.......

Sharon and Dale Taylor Birmingham, Alabama

email address:

Monday, July 14, 2003


you are the best catman ever.

Monday, July 14, 2003


July 14,2003

Monday, July 14, 2003


July 14,2003 We were in Key West the first week in November and had such a good time watching your show. My Daughter got to hold the fire ring and you let me hold Sara. How soft she was. We can't wait to come back and with us will be a new addition to our family. Little Anna, our grand daughter. She will be a cat lover too! Thank you for the many hours of cat loving you bring into the world. See you in November 2003 Bernadette from Baltimore,MD.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003


I saw your show in the summer of 2001, and it was really amazing. I love cats, but I had no idea they were capable of learning tricks! Thank you very much!

Tuesday, July 08, 2003


<B>catman, you are the best, i love your show, i want to be you, but not in a creepy stalker way.......hope to see you in my future nine lives</B>

Sunday, July 06, 2003


My family has seen your show every time we come to Key West. IT IS AMAZING! Your show is one of the highlights of our trip, and your personality is wonderful. Some of the lines you use in your show have become household comments in our home ("Hurry up, take your time"). Thank you for the hard work you and your cats do for the show. We look forward to seeing your show next time we are in Key West! Lisa in Ft Knox, KY

Saturday, July 05, 2003


hey catman i saw your show a few weeks ago in key west and it was great and i also bought one of your videos and i havnt stoped watching it yet lol well i hope to see you again next year when im down there again next year

Thursday, July 03, 2003


loved the show, mr.catman!

Friday, June 27, 2003


i saw your show last month when i was in key west and it was the highliht of my trip and i bought one of your videos and i love it. Keep training the cats and if your every in nc email me at

Thursday, June 26, 2003



Thursday, June 26, 2003


loved your show, you are the best!